Saturday 30 March 2013

David Carson 3.1 Task 4

The words are blurred and slightly distorted, clashing with the man's calm expression in the background. The typography curls around him, as if it's something personal to that person. He has made the text look part of the image and not just overlaid text. This draws the text and image together making them easier to relate to one another.

This piece is another combination of photography, digital work and typography.

Instead of sepia, the whole tone of the work is defined by the dark shadows and reds, which give it a morbid feel. Morbid is the felling that David is trying to make you feel when you look at this image.
The media used gives the image a different effect that wouldn’t be achievable if using a different media. Having photos that are edited allows David to get his desired look and effect. The way David uses computers allows him to put his spin on his designs making them more unique and interesting.

The words “DO NOT BE SATISFIED” and the colour of the image work well together to give a feeling of darkness and sadness. The expression on the mans face looks sad which relates to the projected emotion.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Aidan, well done. good to see your final task. can i suggest you to find some other visual images for david carson as references and support to your text. this will add more depth to your understanding.
    let me check further to see if you need to add any more bits.
    Mr. D
