Saturday 30 March 2013

David Carson 3.1 Task 4

David Carson

The Magazine Factory, London. 2013

David Carson uses Photography and modern day technology like computers to generate his images. David’s style is grunge typography. With David’s work he purposely blurs the images and makes them out of focus to give the images a sense of mystery making the image more interesting.

With David Carson’s work he intentionally makes his designs emotional trying to convey feelings and attitude through the contents. David says that his designs should always be more then mere design.

In David’s designs his main images are normally placed in the centre of the image which dominates a lot of the space. When David uses images ( Photography ) the image is easy to see and isn't unrecognisable but in some of his images where text is dominate the text can be hard to read and sometimes unreadable. David uses a lot of different colours depending on what emotional response he is trying to make you feel. The text is large and easy to read but doesn't overwhelm the image which makes the image look tidy. The text is a lot brighter then the image behind it which makes it easy to see and read. The main point is the text and image working together. Because of the way the text is used and how it follows the shape of the person and is sometimes behind the person giving the image depth the text and image work together and aren't clashing with one another.
In his designs I like how he integrates images and text together making the images more interesting. I like how he is able to make the text look like part of the images and not look like it’s just been thrown on top of an image.
I think how David Carson is trying to use his work to influence an emotional response in the viewer makes his work more interesting and allows him to tell you more then he could just with images.
I don’t think any other Media's would have worked well because the way he makes his designs with modern day technology gives his work a different effect then if he had used other Media's on top of the current ones.

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