Sunday 24 February 2013

Corporate Branding. Neville Brody. Task 2

Corporate Branding             Neville Brody

The colours used in this style are bright, bold and easy to see. This also makes the image standout more drawing your eyes to the image. A lot of the colours are used to stop text from merging into the image there with.

Main images used in this style are mainly made from typography and some images. A lot of images in this style are advertising a brand using text. The main image covers most of the space and sometimes the image and text will overlap.
In this style the spacing changes, sometimes the space is even and spread out and sometimes the image is over lapping with text. This spacing makes the image felling change and makes it more interesting.

This style was influenced by new technology like computers with new software allowing a different style of art to be made.

This styles layout normally has text covering most of the image. There is sometimes an image with the text but the text is normally the main point of the image. Sometimes the layout makes it so text is over lapping with other text or over lapping an image.

The composition used in this style has a lot of bright and bold text. The spacing changes because in some images there’s over lapping and in others there isn’t. The background is an empty flat colour that makes the image less confusing and makes the main image easier to see.

This style has a lot of text/type in it. Most of the images have text in them and some of them have the main image made from text. The text is normally advertising a brand. The text has bright and bold colours on it which makes it standout and easy to read. The text some times over laps with other text making the image more confusing but it is still readable.

The technique used for this style is computers. Neville started using this style when Apple computers came out because of there image creating/editing software allowing him to do new and different things.

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