Wednesday 13 February 2013

Peter Max

Peter Max

Peter Max was born in 1937 19th October in Berlin, Germany. His full name is Peter Max Finkelstein.


Peter very rarely uses typography in his image. When he uses text he makes it a different colour to make it stand out and the text is easy to read.

His main images are placed in the middle of the image and normally have an empty background or smaller images around the main image. This draws your eyes into the centre of the image first and makes the main image easier to see.

 The colours he uses are bright and bold that stand out  He doesn't use dull colours and the brighter colours draw your eyes to the image.

The spacing in his images makes it easy to see and read the main text and image. The background in normally a different colour that makes the image and text stand out. The space around the image and text is either empty or well balanced between space and images that don’t over crowd the image but make it more interesting.

The composition of his images is very bold and bright and he very rarely uses typography. His images are normally dominated by one main image that your eye is drawn to. The space around the image is either empty or well balanced that keeps you focused on the main image.

Peter work was both influenced by, as well as widely imitated by, others in the field of commercial illustration, such as Heinz Edelmann.

His design philosophy was to be a big part in the counter culture and psychedelic movements in graphic design during the late 1960’s and early 70’s.

His most significant element design element is colour. He uses colour to produce images and to draw your eyes to his images

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