Sunday 24 February 2013

Illustration. Peter Max. task 2

Illustration                 Peter Max

This style uses a lot of colours that are bright, bold, vibrant and saturated. There is a small range of colours used but they are used in a way that the image is still easy to see and doesn’t merge together.

Main images in this style take up a lot of the space in the image. The main image uses the same colours as the background which stops it from standing out as much as it could.

The space in this style is used well. There is no over lapping of images which make the images less confusing and busy looking. The background of the space is the same colour as the rest of the image which brings the image together.

This style is influenced by having images with a story which helps the story to be told. This is mainly used in children’s books and comics but is in some novels.

The layout in this style normally has the main image in the middle of the image with an empty background. There is sometimes a main image along with other smaller images in the background.

This styles composition has bright, bold, vibrant and saturated colours that make the image stand out which draws your eye in. The main image is placed in the middle of the image that makes it easier to see. There is sometimes text with the main image but it is never over whelming. There is sometimes more images then the main image but the background images don’t make the image confusing.

This style doesn’t use much text/type. When it is used it’s with the main image which it complements. The text is normally a different colour then the background with stops it from merging with the background and makes it standout more.

The technique this artist uses in this style uses a newer printing technique that allows for four-colour reproduction on product merchandise.

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