Sunday 24 February 2013

Graffiti. Banksy. Task 2

Graffiti         Banksy

The colours used in this style are a lot of black, white and red. The colours are flat and don’t have any tonal range. The colours are duller and fit in with the surrounding area.

The main images in this style are mainly one or two people doing an action or it is accompanied by text/type that is a lot smaller.

The space in this style is open and easy to see. Graffiti is normally on a building wall so it has a large single colour background this gives the image little depth. The space around the image is empty and makes the main image more dominant.

Influences: The style is normally used for self expression. Banksy used graffiti to express to the government that graffiti isn’t always vandalism and can be art.

Layout: In this style the main image is normally placed in the centre of the image either in the middle or lower half of the image. It the image has text it’s placed close to the main image and is clear and easy to read.

The composition of this style is a character that is normally alone or with text close to it. There isn’t always colour in the images and when there is there is a small colour range. The text in the image has a meaning and in Banksys case it’s against the government making graffiti illegal.
The text/type in this style is easy to see and read. The text is normally beside the main image but isn’t over lapping it making it look less crowded. The text is used to express what the artist wants it to express.

The technique used in this style is spray paints and stencils. This gives the style a unique look and allows the artists to paint in different locations and not just paper etcetera. 

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