Sunday 24 February 2013

Early to mid 20th century. Paul Rand. task 2

Early to mid 20th Century         Paul Rand

The colours used in this style are flat and vibrant. There aren’t any shadows or any particular light source direction, this makes the colours flat. The colours are all solid, vibrant and easy to see. This make the image stand out more and makes it easier to see.

In this style the main image is normally a symbol or text advertising a company. The main images are in the middle and dominated a lot of the space. The image is easy to see and is clear making it easy to under stand.
The space in this style is mainly covered by the main image making the main image more dominant. The space in the background is flat giving the image little depth and making it look shallow.

This style was properly influenced by companies needing to advertise there company/product. The artists who use this style create logos etcetera for the companies to use for advertisement.

This styles layout normally has a single image in the middle of the space. There is sometimes text with the image but is normally on top of the logo. The layout of the images makes it easy to see and it looks very tidy.

The composition in this style has bright, bold and vibrant colours that are flat and stand out. The logo/image is placed in the middle of the space which makes it easy to see. The space in the background is empty. The colour in the background compliments the main image and makes it stand out.

This style uses text/type in most of the images. The text/type is usually with a logo/image and is sometimes on top of the image. The text is easy to read and the colours used on the text fits in with the image.

A technique used in this style is computers. New computer technology allows artists to make and create new things like logos and use there style.

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