Sunday 24 February 2013

Handmade. Joseph cornell. Task 2

Handmade           Joseph Cornell

The colours used in this style are lots earth tones like brown for wood and green for grass/trees.  There is a lot of different colours used in this style but there isn’t much of any one colour. There is a mixture of vibrant and dull colours with doesn’t make the art look to intense or boring.

The main images in this style are normally something to do with nature like birds and humans. This suits the style of the background making it look like it fits in and doesn’t stand out to much. In a lot of the images the different parts are divided by a grid.

The spacing in this style is easy to see because it is divided by a grid making the image less confusing even when there in multiple images in one peace of work.

This style was properly influenced by the art that can be made by hand and the different things that can be made.

In this style the layout makes the images easy to see because the use of a grid. In the different parts of the grid there is separate images/items that all fit into the boxes.

This styles composition is that most of the pieces of art are divided by a grid making the image less confusing. A lot of earth tones are used like wood to create the images/artwork. All the different grids fit together and everything relates to the other.

This style uses little text/type. When there is text it’s normally on the product used to create the artwork. The text isn’t always readable but doesn’t make the image confusing.

There are many different techniques used to make this style because the art isn’t always made from the same product and different tools and skills are needed for them.

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